Welcome to Sea's Pokemon Page!

Hey there! This is my pokemon page, an entire section dedicated to a part of my life that's stuck with me since childhood!

A series that's stuck with me for as long as I can remember is pokemon. It's sparked so much creativity in creators in every field imaginable with how vast the world has expanded upon itself to be. As much as there's a vast amount of games out there, this series has been around for nearly all of it. Switch titles in recent have been difficult to stay on board with (not to mention the ridiculous prices they're put at these days...) but accessibility for any of the handheld titles remains constant in the modern age with homebrewing and emulation.

As for this page, I've wanted this place to function as a log for my playthroughs, collection, and my own projects (like my timeskip AU that I occasionally draw for). I love watching these things grow over time in development, and I've wanted something personal to commit to making on the side as I come out of college. There's a lot I want to say, but I also don't want this part of my site to remain unfinished forever!

my trainer card! (with my blue/aura bias >:D)

This page will be updated with more tabs and images in the collection part over time, but I'll see how I feel about it later down the line! This series means a lot to me, and I want to give it proper justice. Definitely expect more to come for future updates though! There's gonna be a lot of stuff to catalogue, cards, toys, plushies, games, and fan merch obtained at conventions or online shops. The world is vast with creativity and I love collecting stuff I find neat.

There's a lot I've been meaning to try, online webgames like pokefarm and obtaining various other items on my wishlist, so this place is where I'll be cataloguing the good majority of my merch (save for the ones specific to shrines). Hopefully my wishlist will also lead to some fruit to be found, as there's a few artbooks I've been on the lookout for with little to no avail. Perhaps one day I'll be able to catch my white whales someday...

But hey, thanks for checking this part of my site out! Click on the tabs above for other sections to check out!

My Journey With Pokemon!

My journey began around age 7-8 with Pokemon Diamond on the DS... and I could not get past Maylene's gym puzzle. Granted, knowing the development hell it went through, I don't blame it for being kinda buggy or weird in a few areas, and even if I didn't get the puzzles at the time I still had fun. The punching bag puzzle I didn't understand all too well and required a lot of resetting via going back outside the gym to put the puzzle back in it's default state, but then Platinum happened and I was able to get through it just fine. I loved all the starters of Sinnoh and remembered how before the anime episodes aired on Cartoon Network, I was just going off pixels on a screen when drawing characters and pokemon. I especially loved the mechanic with the Stat Trainers occasionally coming along with you for Double Battles, and my bias of course leaned towards Riley, the one other guy who gives you a Riolu because of how good Lucario was as a pokemon and how Movie 8 was just. So good. When episodes aired on Cartoon Network you Know I was tuned in, recording it, thinking about it, rewatching it again, I never logged onto forums or such because the emphasis on internet safety at least never piqued my interests, so I just appreciated and played near completely offline. I laid on my stomach a lot just doodling and drawing and playing pokemon, even leaving the game on just to listen to music in certain areas of the game. I still kept my copy of Platinum to this day because of how important it was to me all those years ago.

this worm was with me for half my life...

I actually got the version of Platinum that came with a tiny Giratina statue too! I've kept that with me ever since I first got it and moved many a houses! I'm pretty glad I still kept it up til now.

I wish I did have the creativity to name my pokemon but little me just liked referring to them as their own pokemon names. I could think up distinguishing features to know who was who and the nature descriptions helped me imagine personalities, so it wasn't all that bad. I name a lot of my pokemon nowadays, but I still remember some of my favorites fondly. My strong guys were my best of the best favorites, most of them being the few fire types available in Platinum. Houndoom and Infernape were my first guys I maxed out in postgame, but all the starters were pretty solid, so I did some trades and got both Torterra and Empoleon later on. I think my close seconds were Lucario and Togekiss, as well as Lopunny and Glaceon because little me Loved that evolution aesthetically. Battling Cynthia was a struggle but little me eventually did it! When event distributions came out I still remember asking to go visit my area's Gamestop to get Shaymin. I was really lucky to have one near where I lived at the time, the memories still feel pretty vivid.

After Platinum came Heartgold/Soulsilver and my bias for blue things had me leaning towards Lugia! The feature added to be able to walk with your pokemon blew my mind. Had me transferring pokemon to and from my Platinum to see how big they were next to my player character! I chose Chikorita and I remember my team being very scattered across different team builds because I traded a lot from my previous game. My plant dino was my constant though, and little me loved having Lugia on the team. I had an attachment to Mawile as well if little me made a sona as one, and eventually battling Lance's Dragonites at the League (and little me really went in Massively underprepared) was also a big win for little me, and I still remember battling Red on a rainy day at my grandparent's house. Lots of memories of this era in particular that I take with me now. It's also what I used when I played Battle Revolution on the Wii, and I took So many pictures because it was the first time little me saw 3D models to use as reference, so I used my DSi solely to keep picture references with me on the go when I was super offline. I might update this if I actually do find the notebooks I had with old pokemon art I did...

an old picture of battle revolution taken right from my dsi!

I played some of the spinoff games as well, and Explorers of Sky truly did hit that specific niche for me of personality associated with the pokemon themselves. After playing through it once and then again I curated an entire little PMD scenario in my brain occupying my space while listening to midi tunes from my DS. I do remember drawing a story book of sorts in a notebook when I was younger, if I find it maybe that will make my memories clearer. I want to hopefully see a fully realized PMD world out there, full of various bustling cities and factions, missions and more fun to be had, something multiplayer would be fun in this setting. It's nice to dream of the possibilities. I even played other titles like Rumble and Pokepark, from low poly toys fighting Larger low poly toys to exploring an entire world through various Zones, I really did enjoy the Wii growing up.

When Black and White was first announced I took so many pictures of the TV with my DSi in my excitement. I recorded the episodes Solely to see the advertisements showcasing the new starters and pokemon in the region, and little me was Floored with how fresh it felt, with moving pixels and everything it was my time of reckoning. I loved all the starter designs and when I finally got my copy I chose Tepig! It's so hard to pick just one for a lot of these, but I knew other kids at school who were nice enough to help me get other starters and mons by trade. I even got the pokedex guidebook for black and white to help out with drawing a lot of the newer mons! The art for both the pokemon and characters exclusive to this region really did take things to a new level, especially with the fresher story and designs at the time, these two generations were the peak of formative pokemon games for me growing up. I especially loved Black and White 2, though I didn't fully finish my copy of White 2, I do remember maxing out a lot of the movies in the Pokestar Studios minigames. Around this time, though, is where a lot of it started to peter out.

another dsi pic of the black and white commercial!

During the announcement period of time X and Y came out, I was also in the middle of a big move to another city, so a lot of things had to get sold on the way. After doing a couple transfers to and from my older generation games to the 3ds with Bank, my copies of Soulsilver and Black/White 2 were unfortunately sold off during then. I still feel sad about those in particular because I beat the both of them, but things were too hectic at the time and I couldn't dwell as much on it. The 3ds excitement at the time helped lessen the initial troubles I had at least. I will say not in a mean way, I didn't find a lot of the starters for Kalos as interesting as previous generations had, but it had a lot of good designs from other pokemon you can get along the way, and it made up for that. I got my copy of Y and picked Chespin! The more standout ones were some of my transfers from previous versions, and one of my Kalos favorites ended up being the Amaura/Aurorus line! Alongside this I was also big on Noivern, Aegislash, and Mega Evolutions of Mawile, Houndoom and Lucario! The game's story didn't really stick with me as much as previous generations had, but I liked various aspects that the generation introduced like clothing customization, easier methods of trade and connecting to the internet, and it was all well and fine, but my interest in Pokemon sort of waned at this time. ORAS was pretty good, the most memorable aspect being Zinnia and the events with Rayquaza, but it didn't have the same kick either for me. I also got into steam games by my friends, and preferred the multiplayer shenanigans that came with playing Gmod or other indie titles that my laptop could run at the time. Time passed, and then Gen 7 comes along and knocks everybody's socks out of the water.

Sun and Moon really did hit a lot of the polish people were looking for in a 3ds pokemon game, and that fact really does show in it's popularity. Alola switched up the formula with Z-moves, a delightful bunch of starters to choose from, and so much more. I still remember experiencing the story in high school abosolutely loving the themes and characters presented throughout. They had commercials that even correlated to the ideas of growing up in a new place, and it certainly hit home with having to move houses a second time. I got Sun and picked Rowlet as my starter for the region! Regional forms of various pokemon really did hit a specific niche in the speculative biology worm in me with how pokemon can have different types and how they adapted to their environment. It was also the one where I got to name all the little guys I caught! I didn't have a whole theme for the entirety of it, but I just had fun naming pokemon! Some were really thought out or based on specific types of plants, to just up and naming my Garchomp Jerry. World was my oyster, honestly.

my original team in my Sun playthrough! love all these guys sm

I had a brief bout of getting into forming a competitive team, mostly setting up a team with favorites to see if I could make them competitively viable, but in the end I never really put it to use. It was an interesting learning experience regardless! Alola really stuck with me in the 3ds era, so much so that when Ultra Sun came out I walked all the way from my high school to the nearest Target to get the game myself. Though with that one, I didn't get as far as I would have liked. But the region's extra details really stuck with me, and the amount of people who went crazy seeing Red and Blue all grown up on a honeymoon Battle Tree was crazy. I still wonder if pokemon is gonna do that again with other characters, but I was kinda glad seeing the both of them have a happier end.

Around this time I also graduated high school and had to jump right into college, so with the releases of LGPE and Sword and Shield I...couldn't really get into it as much as I would have liked to. The memories I have of those games in particular don't stick with me as much as the stress that came with starting out in college. I sort of waned from a lot of the switch releases due to my time slowly getting eaten up by responsibilities, but then (after a brief bout of disappointment that BDSP wrought), Legends Arceus brought it all back.

I really loved Legends Arceus when it came out. I may have struggled at first with the game early on due to the catch system, but it really switched things up encounter wise. The ancestors resembling characters previously known to DPPT really made the experience a lot of fun! The little nods and details with an interesting story to boot, I was amazed that pokemon games took a fresher direction! My bias seemed to fall towards Grass types, so I chose Rowlet again for my Hisui run! While I knew people that cheesed the last fight, the second health bar was a surprise (and that guitar riff...MAN that was sick). I got to have a lot of fun coming up with names and exploring the wilderness for alpha pokemon just to compare heights! I like that somewhere in the general passage of time Arceus said pokemon could just be really big for some reason. It's not pokemon without being a little silly, honestly.

my legends arceus trainer! (with a specific aura bias hehehe)

Around the time that Scarlet and Violet was announced, a lot of people were surprised at the early announcement. Myself included! And much to everyone's dismay it was bug central! Even so, I had some fun with it. It was the game where I've encountered the most shinies, sometimes just hanging around in the overworld. The system has it's ups and downs because of how some shinies don't look too different from their regular counterparts, but I encountered many of them at random, like a shiny Rockruff or Swablu. Other times, a shiny Espathra ran at me, and it was the funniest thing that happened to me shiny wise. I liked the characters, and their stories individually were pretty well done, but overall leading up to the end it was a lot of concepts that were held back by having to generally progress in the game itself. I would've thought varied paths could have led to different experiences, but the game ends up telling you to do all of them anyway. I dunno, I did at least like the twist with the professors and the lizard ride along we got, especially with the general themes of past and future and Arven being the present that was left behind.

Nevertheless, I did have a fun time with it as much as I have a lot of gripes. I never played the DLC due to my lingering feelings of the game being very middleground, and in my opinion it should have just been part of the main game. Though watching other people playing it, I think if it was already included with SV, I would have liked the game a little better. Kieran makes for an interesting rival character over the course of the Teal Mask and Indigo Disk DLCs, and I also liked the designs of the Blueberry Academy kids, too. Especially with the connections to Unova characters with Lacey and Drayton, I liked some of the continuity (even if the continuity/timeline itself is very...up to interpretation). If anything, I'd only ask for future releases to not rely so heavily on DLC in newer titles, a very disappointing trend with games that has popped up in recent.

my trainer in my Scarlet playthrough! my guy with a cool Lokix helmet :D

I had gone through some rather big hurdles in life post SV though. For one, I fell out with some friends due to circumstances beyond my own control and conversation sort of dying out between us. It was a hard lesson, but I've been able to grow from it since then. The other is that I've been starting things up on social media again after a terrible ex-friend isolated me from a lot of it, and curating my own space has been a lot of fun! Being able to set better boundaries genuinely improved things for me mentally, and I can finally shake off the dust that piled on after so long. I don't care as much for followings or numbers, but I'm just glad I can start to put stuff out there. Plus, I was able to start posting more pokemon art, talking with mutuals and generally just having fun again with headcanons and ideas. I never realized how bad things were until I broke things off with some pretty terrible people I knew, and I've never been happier! I wouldn't have been able to get out of those bad situations without a longtime irl friend of mine pointing some things out to help me realize the tactics they were using against me, and I'm forever grateful to have met them.

I learned more on building my Neocities, and now that I've got this section of my blog set up, I can do an actual replay of a lot of these games! I've been meaning to replay some of my favorites and others to give a better opinion on them, as well as try out older generations once I get the batteries on the cartridges swapped out! I've been meaning to log my own experience with these games because I genuinely love recording things to read for the future! I also went through hell to find OG copies of Soulsilver and Black/Black 2 for a decent deal (scalpers should go to hell), so I can also play older titles more authentically! For my mainline base titles, I plan on doing a run to complete the Pokedexes of each region. I might try out a nuzlocke/possibly artlocke of a randomizer in the future, but it's hard to really start up those personally. I've been preferential to being chill with my playthroughs, but I like watching people do nuzlockes over playing them myself. It's something I'd rather do on a randomizer or modded version for less risk on the vanilla game, and it switches things up a little so it's got more surprises in store.

And so, that's where this section sort of starts! Pokemon was here with me for a lot of my life through ups and downs, and I'm indebted to it for keeping my motivation up even after the toughest times of my life. I look back and see how much I've grown, and still am even now! I still love drawing for this series, and it's one of my forever interests that it deserves a section on my blog about it!

My Playthroughs!

Here is where I'll be logging my playthroughs, ranging between dex completion and hopefully building up to nuzlockes/artlockes later down the line! Click on the tabs to learn more about my current teams and runs!

Tater Tot the Meganium, Aprajita the Dragonite, Taho the Espeon, Macapuno the Dewgong, Champorado the Honchkrow, and Halo Halo the Clefairy!

Notes as of 12/1/24

Current Count: Seen 206, Obtained 74 out of the 256 Johto Dex

Count of the National Dex: Seen 245, Obtained 95 of the 493 National Dex

-So far I've been doing my best to max out my Pokewalker to unlock the area that has Spiritomb (one that's a little bit difficult to obtain normally)

-I'm already 3 badges into Kanto, but I'm working with my friend + the GTS to see if I can nab the starters of Hoenn and Kanto!

-Used the DNS method to obtain the event legendary pokemon by legal means!

Tanghulu the Infernape , Honeydew the Altaria, Carlotta the Gardevoir, Butterbean the Bibarel, Misora the Gyarados, and Mezzaluna the Gliscor

Notes as of 12/1/24

Current Count: Seen 143, Obtained 82 out of the 210 Sinnoh Dex

-I've gotten past Byron's gym and got sidetracked with getting DNS event pokemon, but I'm back on track!

-Playing Soulsilver in tandem to also obtain mons from previous generations, as well as obtain starters for both (current hassles are Hoenn and Kanto)

My Wishlist!

Some merch, fanmade or otherwise, is a lot harder to find... I remember viewing some fanbooks or plushies when I was in high school but had zero knowledge or knowhow on purchasing them. My goal is to have an accessible archive of fanbooks or toys, etc., because I personally have not had much luck in finding stuff and this is my shout into the void for them. If any of you happen to know anyone who has the books and are willing to send a scan of a book or are possibly willing to sell any of these in particular, I'd be more than happy to hear from them to discuss means or methods to acquire them! As always, I highly recommend sending me a message on my strawpage or sending me an ask on my tumblr if you have any inquiries or questions!

Namie's Pokebon Voyage

I WANTED THIS BOOK SO BAD AS A KID. I loved namie's art growing up, especially with the way they were able to draw backgrounds and showcase character personalities and really cute outfits for the trainers. I never got to get this book due to my lack of knowledge in the field of online purchases as a kid (that and the anxiety of online internet safety meant I was a lurker than an active participant...), so I could only sit and wonder what the book was like. Looking back on it now, I especially loved how the pages themselves were laid out, on a printing level I love how the information is laid out alongside the illustrations. Their work is really inspiring, and it was one of the main reasons why I loved pokemon at the time: when the world itself is put within specific limitations, it really brought out the creativity in fans interpreting the world they're playing in.

I especially loved the theme of the book being about travel! It's putting things in the perspective of people who have never been to the regions, showcasing places to visit, the climate and other locations as a way of showing people what to expect if you were visiting. This and a few other fanbooks were really inspiring to younger me, even if I was unable to buy them at the time. I always love world interpretations of various locations when the players were limited to being top down view, and they interpret things from a different point of view instead of looking from the outside in to another world.

The artist namie no longer has these books listed anywhere because they've since moved on to greener more awesome pastures doing artwork for FGO and hosting their own art exhibition (so cool :O...), but much of their pokemon fanart has been long since deleted (which is a little disheartening, especially when their works are AMAZING) but this fanbook is one of my longshot wants because of the worldbuilding info and artwork pertaining to each region at the time. I can't find scans of this book around either, mostly just scouring online blogs out there if anyone has a copy.

Namie's hm: Diving Pokemon Artbook

Continuing from the previous one, I also wish I got namie's hm: Diving artbook. The sea themes and colors as well as the page layouts really caught my eye, but I never got to purchase it at the time. Much of namie's fanworks for pokemon is really inspiring, it's a shame to see that much of it is not available online. I only really see reposts of their work on pinterest or tumblr nowadays. If I could travel back in time I would probably buy this before their shop officially closed for sales on this. The nautical themes and page setup is once again stellar, and I hope to make pages as good as these artbooks did when laying the information out. This artbook even got all the way up to alola, and you can see they put a lot of love and care into drawing the pokemon and characters together, even with their own little accessories. This blog and maybe a few other photos people took at the time were the only previews I got of these books, so I hope to maybe find this artbook someday for my own collection.

Going off of images from people that have had the books previous, I love how the info is laid out for the food, clothes, colors, they are a master of rendering backgrounds, objects and characters. These images came from the blog nintendowife, and unfortunately I could not find any other blogs or online listings reselling these books. God, I hope I can find these someday...

Pokemon Center Dragonite Pokedoll Plush Toy (2009)

My god. Have you seen this thing? I love the shape of this SO much. I saw this plushie listed somewhere for way too much but I am enamored by it. It's so perfect. Round and happy and full of life, joy in his heart and eyes. I want this guy but I also don't want to pay for it in a heart transplant. If I had a spare heart I would sell it for this thing. I want it so bad. There's whimsy in his eyes, his smile so big. What the fuck. I love this thing and I never had it in my entire life. I want ten of these. The fact that it's not in my house and I'm not an old woman living peacefully away from the world means I have yet to find true joy in my life. I want this SO bad, this is the perfect shape for a dragonite plush. Genuinely so cute. I don't know specific factors as to why it's so expensive, but my only guess is that with it being from the 2000s and no later than that could be one reason. I dunno what drives the price up for plushies, because the oldest listing of it that I could find only cost $50 compared to scalpers on ebay pricing it between $300-700...

This is my favorite thing in the world that I don't own. I love it. These are from other product listings I found online, all at insane prices. Cute at a cost.

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