kaga/sea wants to
steal riley's gender!
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This user wants Lance's kindness! |
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This user wants Riley's gender! |
= make something new for the pokemon section
= add more funky stuff (more buttons, join more webrings, finish a journal entry or two)
= make/finish a shrine (currently in progress: riley, lance)
= clean up my landing page, think about adding some fun stuff to it
= fix up art section, figure out how to add a lightbox
= work on about section, add info/likes/dislikes
= rework journal page (unfortunately the current one isn't all that great on mobile :[ will see about fixing that up)
= fix up art section, figure out how to add a lightbox
= link other cool sites on my new links page, gotta make some sections for cool stamps and gifs there
2/2/25- Riley's Shrine is finally up! the box on the middle bottom of the page will be where strawpage art submissions will go!
1/1/25- Happy New Year!! new pokemon of the month!!
12/20/24- new journal entry! more links added, added more fanlistings to my about, a new tab on my pokemon page for wishlist stuff, small fixes here and there
12/1/24- new pokemon of the month! pokemon page is officially up to keep updating with progress of various runs, collected items, and more to come!
11/20/24- new index page babey!! will be reworking my index bar on the rest of the pages, but i wanted a fresher landing page in the meantime!
10/24/24- finally got my art page looking better! lightbox allows for zooming in and scrolling through, and will upload more images as I go on there, other pages will be coming soon!
10/6/24- fixed up my about page! moved my webrings/fanlistings box to about section so its all somewhere :]
9/29/24- made a journal entry, workin on about page and other various shrines, linked a strawpage if you want to draw me something!
9/21/24- working on shrine pages (the big hurdle), adding more things to the to-do list, joined more fanlistings because its so swag :]
9/10/24- adding some more stuff to the links page! linking cool sites to awesome stuff and will be updating it with more resources that I come across! reorganizing stamps so i'll probably move them to links as soon as i can..
9/8/24- small changes here and there, moved fanlistings to the bottom right with the webrings
9/6/24- changed gif hoard to general links page, found a cool code for the journal page, small fixings
9/4/24- officially joined WiiRing, applied for a couple fanlistings, working on shrine pages on the side, gonna see bout fixing up my art section, the about page has my avatar!
9/2/24- footer added on each page, figuring out how to set up shrine pages, some small changes in different areas!
9/1/24- made a site button! fixed a typo in the about page
8/31/24- fixed art page and have my works uploaded to filegarden for easier viewing, linked my tumblr, found a funky userbox generator, learning columns and rows oh man!
8/30/24- favicon moves! riley walks! addded a webrings box, testing out stamps in about page, lugia cursor added, officially joined the no ai webring!
8/29/24- editing colors on the pages, fixing links, scrolling added to here
8/28/24- changing font styles on all pages, adding funky bubble effects, finfin in corner! and changing colors for better viewing
8/26/24- updated page directory, added old art to the gallery, reworked some old expired links