Free Lugia 2 Cursors at

here's my site stamp/button! you can link if you'd like to!

^^ this is fluffyriceshipping btw. i will talk about them more. ^^

This user wants Riley's gender!

This user wants Lance's kindness!


welcome to the sea of seven wonders!!

welcome to my unfinished webzone!!!!

i'm currently in my final semester of college, so I'm slowly figuring out the cogs of site building, even if my code is kinda messy at the moment.

i made this neocities ages ago but got super discouraged early on when building this site, but better late than never i suppose!

if anything, feel free to check out my tumblr! i post more frequently there when i'm not whittling away at html hoping things work right ;D

Current To-Dos

= make/finish a shrine (currently in progress: riley, lance)

= link other cool sites on my new links page, gotta make some sections for cool stamps and gifs there

= make something new for the pokemon section

= fix up art section, figure out how to add a lightbox

= add more funky stuff (more buttons, join more webrings, finish a journal entry or two)

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